Home Welcome to the Innisfail Art Club theinnisfailartclub The Innisfail Art Club provides an inclusive environment where the community can experience living a creative life in Central Alberta. 🎨✨ Huge thanks to 49th Street Emporium for sp 🖼️✨ Big thanks to Day Dental for sponsoring 🎉 A big thank you to The Blair Team of ReMax Re 🎨✨ Huge thanks to Central Alberta Co-op for s ☕🎨 A heartfelt thank you to The Coffee Cottag 🌟 Save the date! 🌟 Join us for the Innisfai Had a great day exploring watercolor batik with Ci Join Cindy Ohama and learn Watercolour Batik Satur Learn to paint watercolour botanicals with Karen S Looking to try a new skill? Join Cindy Ohama for h Join artist Karen Scarlett for her upcoming painti Curious about what’s off in that painting? Join Great night at the @townofinnisfail fall registrat We are pleased to announce that artist Pat Snowie With tournaments and functions occurring throughou “Even with a bit of overcast skies, creativity w These four pieces are being displayed by Artist Ru Setup at @divotsinnisfail come on down and see t Featuring some more snippets of the artwork you’ In conjunction with the Innisfail Golf Course 100t Load More Follow on Instagram